These are just SOME of the Easter weekend events scheduled
here in the upper Florida Keys!
SPRING FEST - Saturday 3/30, Spring Bunny visits followed by
an Easter Egg Hunt – events begin at 9:30 am. Founders Park, mile marker 87,
bayside. For more info, call:
EASTER EGG HUNT - and Bounce House, Saturday, 3/30, 11:00
am. American Legion Auxiliary Post 333,
2 Seagate Blvd (across from Pilot House Restaurant, mile marker 99.5, oceanside). FREE snacks for kids, adults pay $2. For more
info, call: 305-304-2062 or 305-394-5800.
EASTER EGG HUNT - Saturday, 3/30, 10 am, St Justin Church,
MM 105.5, bayside, for more info, call: 305-451-1316.
EASTER FESTIVAL – Sunday, 3/31, starting at 12:15 pm. Burton
Memorial Church, mile marker 93, oceanside. FREE events include Easter Egg Hunt
& music. Food, $1/plate. Bring your Easter basket. For more info, call: 305-852-2581.
UNDERWATER EASTER EGG HUNT – Sunday, 3/31, a benefit for
Kids In Special Situations (KISS). For more info, visit:
LOBSTER NOTE: Easter Sunday, March 31st, is also
the day LOBSTER SEASON officially ends.